I have never really been introduced to the the Blended Learning Cycle but I found Paul Anderson's version of the Blended Learning Cycle to be very interesting.
Quivers - Paul Anderson's version of the Blended Learning Cycle
1. Question: Something that catches the students attention. 2. Investigation/ Inquiry: You want the children to investigate, you need to be able to incorporate inquiry learning.
3. Video: This allows more time for class activity by allowing the students to watch a video on the lesson individually.
4. Elaboration: reading and use of Venn diagrams allowing the children to go more in depth with the lesson.
5. Review: The most important part, this allows the children to be worked with in groups or individually so that you know they understand the material and are ready to be tested on it.
6. Summary Quiz: Once the students have moved passed the review and you know that they are ready to be tested on the material you give them a quiz on the information to show what they know.

In Sam Pane's Super Digital Citizen he teaches us the importance of being safe on the Internet. He defines a safe digital citizen as someone who is safe, respectful, and responsible on the Internet. The students got to create a comic book character and use it in a story where their superhero demonstrates safe Internet use. I found this to be a good way to get students engaged into learning about being safe on the Internet.
I found the teachers in the Project Based Learning video to be very interactive, and wanting their students to learn in the best way
possible. These teachers in the video pushed for their school to allow them to
teach more than one subject with a group of students so that they would have
more time with the students to be able to allow the students to engage in
Project Based Learning. The teachers in this video stressed the importance of
time in learning especially when its project based.
I could see that you really understood the videos, that were assigned this week. I enjoyed watching all of these videos. I feel that these really helped with my decision to use PBL, in the classroom. Otherwise, keep up the good work.