The central idea in the video Mr. Dancealot was how NOT to teach. In every class session he lectured about basic definitions of various dance moves from a PowerPoint, and when he would attempt to reenact those dance moves the students views were blocked because he would reenact them standing behind a podium. Even when one of the students got up to try to engage in learning and attempt the dance moves the professor yelled at the student to sit down because he was trying to teach a dance class. When it came time for the final exam the students were required to physically perform the moves they learned about without any previous experience. I, personally, do not agree with Mr. Dancealot's style of teaching. I believe teaching in general should require some sort of experience or activity based on what is being taught, especially in elementary classes.

In the video Teaching in The 21st Century, Roberts did a good job at explaining how much technology has changed in teaching. A lot of our teaching today versus five or ten years ago is a lot more engaged in technology. I enjoyed the part where he asked several questions, and then asked how we would figure out the answers to these questions. It made me realize how much we really do rely on technology for the answers, because a lot of those questions I could not have answered without having to search the Internet. Roberts makes a really good point when he states that though the Internet is an important part of learning, students should be taught to use reliable sources and not to believe everything they read on sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
3. The Networked Student
I personally enjoyed watching The Networked Student. As a future educator, a Connectivism learning atmosphere seems like it would be a valuable experience for a student and is something I would more than likely be willing attempt. I fully believe that students of the 21st Century should be given the opportunity to virtually learn. Students need to be engaged in learning methods beyond pencil and paper. In Connectivism based learning environments the majority of the students learning is being done through educational Internet sources. According to the video, even though most of what the student is learning is virtually and independently, they still will be assigned a teacher. The teacher will be there to assist with any further help that is needed, and is the one teaching the student how to effectively use their learning network. I found myself half way through the video second-guessing if a student in this environment sincerely needed a teacher. I was reminded that teaching goes far beyond instructions, teachers are there to morally support and encourage the child through their learning process whether it be virtually or face-to-face interaction.
4. Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts
The thesis of Davis' video Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts was that technology has become very important in the classroom. These students got to create things such as a virtual city, blogs, and a flat classroom and wound up teaching the teacher more about the activity than she taught the students. Even though this class was virtually based the teacher was still interacting with the students guiding them step-by-step through the process. The students were excited about what they were learning because they were being able to create it and share with the class and teacher what they created. I enjoyed the video because to me it was a great example of a virtual based classroom where the teacher is still a need to the student.
The thesis of Davis' video Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts was that technology has become very important in the classroom. These students got to create things such as a virtual city, blogs, and a flat classroom and wound up teaching the teacher more about the activity than she taught the students. Even though this class was virtually based the teacher was still interacting with the students guiding them step-by-step through the process. The students were excited about what they were learning because they were being able to create it and share with the class and teacher what they created. I enjoyed the video because to me it was a great example of a virtual based classroom where the teacher is still a need to the student.
5. Who's Ahead in the Learning Race?
After watching Dr. Stranges video Who's Ahead in the Learning Race? I would have to come to the conclusion that the Elementary students are ahead by a long shot. Me being an Undergraduate student, I have yet to use iMovie and I have had my MacBook Pro for almost four years. I also just started learning about blogs an how to effectively use them to my advantage. I think it is wonderful that at such a young age children are being able to engage in learning through technological devices, but I also think that as a future educator teachers should be taught more about using technology so that we can better teach our class.
After watching Dr. Stranges video Who's Ahead in the Learning Race? I would have to come to the conclusion that the Elementary students are ahead by a long shot. Me being an Undergraduate student, I have yet to use iMovie and I have had my MacBook Pro for almost four years. I also just started learning about blogs an how to effectively use them to my advantage. I think it is wonderful that at such a young age children are being able to engage in learning through technological devices, but I also think that as a future educator teachers should be taught more about using technology so that we can better teach our class.
6. Flipping the Classroom
Flipping a classroom is very new to me, but I am always
open and eager to learn about new things. I personally do think it is a useful
approach, but I feel that it has a big setback. Not every student has access
to a computer at home, and though the in the video it states that students who
do not have this access at home will be able to use a school computer the
morning of. Isn't that still taking away from the whole approach behind
flipping? Flipping the classroom was created so that instruction time would be
cut out and so that students who needed remediation could go back and hear the
directions over again and be able to work out practice problems at home. If a
student does not have access to this at home how is that suppose to happen?
Just a question I have pondering. Other than that one set back I think flipping
the classroom would be a useful approach, because as stated in the video our
students do need to be prepared for jobs that will be available when they
graduate and pencil and paper wont be worth much anymore.

ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed your post and feel that we drew a lot of the same conclusions from the videos. For instance, I felt that the flipping the classroom had some flaws as well. I did not like the idea for the same reason you did not because not all the children have access to computers at home and trying to have a child play catch up in the morning while I am conducting class is not something I would be happy with. Furthermore, you were very clear and concise with your arguments and wrote this post very well!